In the "Food For Thought" class, this unit we have explored the history of agriculture and the difficulties of cultivation. We talked about different people's theories about why we should or should not use "natural farming." For this assignment, we were assigned to pick an ingredient from a recipe that we thought was sacred to our family. I chose the lemon from my Great Grandmother's "Big Mama's Lemon Pound Cake." I chose the lemon because it makes the cake special. Without it, it's just a cake. I found that my family has a very rich history filled with great cooks.
Below is a food family tree that I created. In the picture you will see that I like Nachos. Brother: bananas, Mom: spaghetti, Grandma (Mom's side): crab, Grandfather (Mom's side): barbeque ribs, Great Grandmother (Grandpa's side): ham, Great Grandfather (Grandpa's side): catfish tails, Dad: tacos, Grandma (Dad's side): shrimp.
"My Food Family Tree," Created By DR. April 21st
"Quantum Lemons Make You Seem Like a Sour Puss!" Created By PATTIV. April 21st
What are you looking at? I’m Lemon, Lemon Soury, but call me Lemon because I don't like you like that. Don’t even think about putting me in your mouth! I may not look big and strong but try me! If you do, get ready for a change in facial expression! Why are you still here kid? Ok look, you have no IDEA what I've been through today! I've been cleaned and thrown around all day, and they wonder why I'm sour!! Look kid, I can be good Lemon or I can be bad Lemon and you don't want to see bad Lemon. You have never seen anything as bitter and tasteless as me! Kid, getting on my good side can be your only chance at surviving a taste of me.
I grew up in India. There isn't much to tell you about my childhood, why are you all up in my business anyway? I grew up around many other fruits and vegetables. There’s 23 different kinds of me! Me and my brothers were all healthy as babies. We all grow up to be really great additions to dishes. That’s pretty much my childhood. Since you wanted to know so much. Overall, India was a nice play to be back in my day.
Me and all my brothers end up spilt into many different countries. Some of us go to the United States. We’re processed and boxed, just to get to our destination, whether it’s Illinois or Paris, or anywhere else in the world. The worst thing about lemons is that we go bad, I don’t know about anyone else but they always said that I was a really sour lemon. Whenever I was tried I was spit out immediately. I couldn't be put into dishes because of the severity of my sourness. I am the baddest of the baddest of lemons. I’m so sour that I’ll make your face permanently change to the face you make when you taste me. Don't try me.
I plan on living a really long life. Maybe have kids with the woman of my dreams. Well that's too much work. It's not like I like life anyway. I just would not prefer to die. I am finally unboxed into the "Supermarket," I have only heard stories of the Supermarket. They said only the lucky ones make it out before the "humans" come. Oh yea, did I tell you that people have these theories of the "human," people are so stupid these days. I heard rumors around that I ended up at some place named Sam's Club in Chicago and there was a barrage of "humans" coming in by morning, yeah right, and I'm super lemon (sarcasm).
Morning came and I was rather cold. I realized that I had been put into a group with more lemons like me, some were happy. Yes, I said "happy," I have NO idea why, though. I could hear chatter in the distance. A "thing" walked past me. Oh yea did I tell about the "things," they took care of us when we were kids in India. These "things" were really big and had things coming out of their body and they could move around and hold things with them! Lucky lil monsters! I swear I hate life, I hate you, I hate everything.
One of these "things" had eventually came over to me and picked me up. I wasn't scared, Lemon Soury DOES NOT GET SCARED. You better ask someone. I realized that I was put into a see through bag and thrown in a rectangular shaped holder of some kind. I was then put into a larger bag by a older looking "thing." Before I knew it, I was moving, not me, but whatever I was in was moving.
I took a nap and when I woke up I saw something sharp coming at me. I spit at it and tried to roll of the counter that I was on, but no luck, I ended up getting cu-- OW! My dangerously sour juice starts to drip out as I'm squeezed. I am put into some kind of batter with some of my wheat friends. As horrible as I felt, I could still see my juice being battered with the wheat.
Some hours had past and I was in a black garbage can. I could hear voices in the background. Someone said, "Grandma, you know what makes your cake the best?"
She answered, "What sweetie?"
The thing said, "Your internal recipe book, and how you can memorize your own way of cooking things, this is excellent!"
I guess my time has come earlier than I had expected. As I die slowly I realize how old I was, maybe a couple thousand years old. To tell you the truth, I did live a pretty amazing life. I think I'm going to cry, nah, I think not. I still don't like you.