My class and I calculated the World Population in 2050. We used geometric sequences and the current world population to determine the world population in 36 years. Our work is shown below:
For our project, we wrote a script to inform other teenagers about the problems associated with
population growth. The script is for an animated cartoon that will be put on social media sites.
[Dillan and Savannah sit outside on a picnic blanket, talking about life]
Dillan: I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while Vannah, haha.
Savannah: Haha, all you had to do was ask! This is really nice by the way.
Dillan: Thanks, it didn’t take too long, just made some sandwiches and stuff. It was actually kind of fun, since I was excited you finally said yes…
S: But Dillan… this is the first time you asked.
D: ...but anyways I used so many different recipes, trying to get all this food made correctly. My garbage had a bad stench because of all the food that was in there!
S: But Dillan you know there’s millions of people around the world that are starving because they can’t afford food to feed themselves and their family.
D: ...Vannah, that’s silly, we both know that people are hungry because the population is increasing and food is becoming scarce because we can’t produce enough!
S: No, hunger, poverty, and food prices are linked. Almost all hungry people are poor.
D: ..well--
S: Millions live with hunger because they simply cannot afford nutritious food.
D: ..I see, but--
S: And also the world produces 17% more food per person today than 30 years ago. But almost a billion people go to sleep hungry every night!
D: ..Vann--
S: Plus we already grow enough food for 10 billion people. And our world population is 7 billion. Now what did you have to say?
AMK. World Population, 2050. (2014)
population growth. The script is for an animated cartoon that will be put on social media sites.
[Dillan and Savannah sit outside on a picnic blanket, talking about life]
Dillan: I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while Vannah, haha.
Savannah: Haha, all you had to do was ask! This is really nice by the way.
Dillan: Thanks, it didn’t take too long, just made some sandwiches and stuff. It was actually kind of fun, since I was excited you finally said yes…
S: But Dillan… this is the first time you asked.
D: ...but anyways I used so many different recipes, trying to get all this food made correctly. My garbage had a bad stench because of all the food that was in there!
S: But Dillan you know there’s millions of people around the world that are starving because they can’t afford food to feed themselves and their family.
D: ...Vannah, that’s silly, we both know that people are hungry because the population is increasing and food is becoming scarce because we can’t produce enough!
S: No, hunger, poverty, and food prices are linked. Almost all hungry people are poor.
D: ..well--
S: Millions live with hunger because they simply cannot afford nutritious food.
D: ..I see, but--
S: And also the world produces 17% more food per person today than 30 years ago. But almost a billion people go to sleep hungry every night!
D: ..Vann--
S: Plus we already grow enough food for 10 billion people. And our world population is 7 billion. Now what did you have to say?
D: Nothing anymore. Wow, Vannah I wasn't aware!
S: Yea, there's a lot of things we may not be aware of.
D: So you want to just go grab some food from the garbage?
S: I never said that! Haha