Friday, September 25, 2015

Tiller Kicks!

The first STEAM course of my Junior year, Design & Engineering, is about re-evaluating your definition of "design." Unit 1, Stronger, talked about how to use empathy to make a product more effective and useful for its users. The purpose of our Action Project was to change our product to be more elder-friendly. My partner’s and my tool was the "Hand Tiller." It seemed like a very fun tool to research and redesign so we were quick to choose it. The photos below depict our new product, the better and more elder-friendly version of the "Hand Tiller." It was quite hard to come up with ideas but it was fun at the same time. I had an interesting time and I hope you enjoy my project as much as I enjoyed making it for you! Thank you!

"Tiller Kicks" By JV. Sep 24, 2015.

"Tiller Kicks' Storyboard" By JV. Sep 24, 2015.

"The Physics Behind It" By JV. Sep 27th, 2015. 

The purpose of this assignment is to innovate equipment so that it is more effective for people of all ages. The user I am trying to appeal to is someone who has a garden and needs to turn soil. The assignment is focused on older people though. We learned a lot about empathy, which is feeling something for someone else. It relates to this project because we listen to what our elderly have to say, and start re-designing off of that.
I interviewed my grandmother, who is a gardener, and found out some interesting stuff:
  • Tools are effective for older people
  • Gardening is calming to some
  • Your garden is also something to show off to others

Another thing that interested me was a certain quote she had said: “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I can’t do it all the time. Don’t have the strength.” This fit in amazingly with my project since not all old people hate being active and gardening, but it just takes up too much energy and time. I also learned that the tool I chose has never been VERY elder-friendly. I’ve observed that all of these tools lack visual appeal and I have also examined the effectiveness of the tool and want it to stay effective but with less force applied.

Our new tool is "Tiller Kicks." - Jashawn Products. This product will be a strap on shoe, but it will have tines on the bottom to turn and mix the soil. Generally, it does what the original Tiller would do, but it can be worn on your foot. Also it's automatic with a small remote to turn it on. Initially, the tines turn under your feet when you turn them on, and MAKE SURE you take the safety locks off!
I believe this is an improvement because of 3 reasons:
  • This can be worn on your foot
  • It is automatic
  • It is more effective than the original hand tiller

Applying my tool more to science, the tines at the bottom of the shoe serve as wedges, cutting and chopping up dirt and soil.

But, indeed, we encountered many obstacles and here's how we solved them; we discussed how to make the shoe safer. We came up with the idea of toe slip-ins/protectors and/or a firm bottom with a hard, light surface. We also discussed how to make it more effective but with less work. We came up with the idea of the Tiller Kicks Remote so you don't have to bend down to turn them on. More importantly, we discussed how to keep the user steady while they had one foot in their Tiller Kick. We thought about the Tiller only being placed on one foot so you have your other foot for balance and also making the tine at the bottom of the Tiller Kick durable enough to walk on.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

For Free?

The first Humanities course of my Junior year, Rhetoric, is about the art of persuasion. In Unit 1, Suppose, we discussed how to use Rhetoric in our speeches and language. We looked into the meaning of "persuasive and effective writing." The purpose of our Action Project is to put these techniques to good use, by creating an effective, attention-grabbing speech about a selected topic. My topic is, "Why should we have to pay to get to and from school?" I have thought about this very frequently and decided to dive deeper into it with this speech. The video below, is of me performing this speech and it was not easy. Along with all the research required to complete my essay, I have learned that this issue may be more of a problem than I even thought before.

Running late for school, but hey, who cares? I’m gonna be late anyway. But man, this old thing? (tosses Ventra) Let me tell you guys something. WHAT IS WRONG WITH CTA, and the government as a whole? Why do STUDENTS have to pay to go to school?? In what universe does this make sense? I wanna be successful like anyone else, but why is it necessary that I, as a child, have to pay? Sure, the government may have its reasons, but why should I have to go through this as a scholar? Instead of focusing on my ACT scores and grades 2015(the things that I've been told since I was even younger that will help me ACHIEVE SUCCESS), I have to scramble to get the necessary currency just to "get to school". WHY SHOULD THIS BE A PROBLEM ON A YOUNG SCHOLAR'S MIND?

I could appeal to you guys logically and tell you all that I spend approximately $294.08 every term or every 4 months just getting to and from school. Or that some CTA conductors aren't even "in the mood" to reduce the fare you have to pay or they give you attitude, when they should be supporting us. But there's a simple way to solve this. Why are we paying in THE FIRST PLACE?

I could cry to you guys about how some days I was stuck trying to find a ride or beg someone with a dollar or two to put me on the train. Or that I couldn't buy my little brother that birthday present that I wanted to get him because saving up is so hard. Or how hard it is for my family to cough up $294 every 4 months just for me to get to school and back home. Not to mention the extra money to put food in my system during my school's off-campus lunch.

However, I could also just say that because I am a student, you have to listen to me. Or...rr that my voice is stronger because of that. Maybe it is, but this doesn't change the fact that this morning I went through a crisis. I had no idea if I had money on my card and I was broke. Walking out of the house, this became a problem because I'm not rich like Bill Gates, I'm broke. This prohibits me from pulling out a couple hundreds and saving the day with my magical money tree’s ability. I bet if you listen closely, you can hear my wallet screeching.

Furthermore, it is almost inevitable that this topic is extremely important. I hope I've inspired others to speak up. Why do us, as students, have to pay to GET TO SCHOOL. We're butterflies trying to flap our wings, but can't because we're caught in a web and the government is the spider. That same spider is the one telling us that if we don't go school, we won't be successful. But that SAME SPIDER makes us pay to get there. Whats wrong with this crazy spider? It's all a bit too much.

But to conclude, why are the adults, we someday look to be as successful as, putting us through unnecessary obstacles that could very well reduce our performance in school? Think on that. I'm DR and I'm out.


"CTA Fare Information." Transit Chicago. CTA, 2013. Web. 22 Sept. 2015.
"Gov. Rauner's Budget Cuts Could Mean CTA Fare Hike; Let the Class War Begin." Chicago Now. 19 Feb. 2015. Web. 19 Sept. 2015.