Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Declaration of Driver's Ed

In the first unit of my Spring Term Humanities course, "A Nation's Argument," we dove down deep into why an argument is effective. We have discussed political issues that would further influence us to create stronger arguments for our action projects. For our action project, we were assigned to almost re-write and recite the Declaration of Independence, but for a class that we feel can benefit the school we reside in. I personally believe that EVERY high school should provide Driver's Education. I feel like Driver's Ed is so essential to young people because knowing the rules of the road, driving a vehicle or not, will be beneficial to your safety and who doesn't want their license after all? I know I want my license!
I believe that it is mandatory for the teenagers of America to learn early, how to drive in order for them to be comfortable with it in the future! So therefore, it is extremely necessary that I propose this class. I feel the need to make this class official because I know how it feels to be deprived of Driver's Education. I also feel as if obtaining your Drivers License goes hand-in-hand with growing up as a teenager and adult.

Why does GCE Lab School not allow access to Driver’s Ed class? The purpose of my Driver’s Ed course is to allow my fellow peers to take a journey that we are currently missing out on because of unjust restrictions. I want to learn to drive so bad and I know my peers wouldn’t mind it, as well.

Well, there’s the right to have access to your permit at the age of 16 or Sophomore year. There’s also the right of getting your license at 18. Other schools allow Driver's Ed, so why not us? Doesn’t seem to me, that this course would be harmful to the alumni. After months and months of professional training and partnership, we should be able to hold our own on the road!

As sophomores (and upperclassmen) we are almost entitled to learning enough about driving to obtain, at least a permit. After completing this course, I would like for there to be GCE students exploring the world with their very own license and auto-mobile.

This program/class will require access to a number of resources:
P1: Declaring Driver's Ed is essential for teenagers.
P2: Due to restrictions, I am not allowed to take this class.
P3: Other schools allow access to Driver's Ed, what's the harm in implementing one at GCE.
P4: Being 16+ without a permit, is bologna!
C: There should be a Driver's Ed class in the GCE system!

DNR Diagram N.D. Web. 16 February. 2016.

My official declaration is that there be a Driver’s Ed class issued ASAP (preferably before I leave). I believe that Driver’s Ed is very important because of the simple fact that driving is important!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Little Camera

For the first Action Project of my STEAM Winter course "Light, Sound, & Time," my peers and I had to create a bunch of pinhole cameras! The materials for a pin hole camera consist of: a box, aluminum can piece, black tape, scissors/knife, and black paint or paper. Throughout the unit, we discussed plenty mathematical and scientific terms and theories that we were required to bring up in our Action Project, such as: electromagnetic spectrum, particle vs wave, similar triangles, sohcahtoa, etc. We were required to go to a dark room to develop our photos with chemical-based liquid. This did not turn out as planned, but was still, of course, an unforgettable experience. 

DR "My Pin Hole Camera," Photo. 02/11/16

The pinhole camera is very unique and takes quite a lot of steps to develop a picture. The creation of the camera itself was very fun. To create the camera, I needed the following materials: a box, aluminum can piece, black tape, scissors/knife, and black paint or paper. All these materials came together to create a light proof, homemade camera, believe it or not. The camera works by using the light exposed to the camera from the hole in the lens, located in the middle of the camera. That same light then projects the object across from the lens. In my case, I attempted to develop the image of one of my favorite things in the world! Air Jordans! 

DR "Air Jordan 1s," Photo. 02/09/16
Then the black flap on the camera comes in handy. The flap allows you to easily cover up the hole when you don't want light passing through the lens. After I left my camera at the developing station for about 4 minutes, I proceeded to the dark room. On my way to the dark room, I had to make sure absolutely no light passed through the hole in my camera so that it wouldn't affect the quality of the photo. The dark room allows you to remove your film from inside your camera and use the special sink with special liquid chemicals to "clean" and reveal the photo that your camera developed! The idea of refraction is not presented in this project because refraction can only occur when light moves from one medium to another, such as glass and water (more specifically a glass of water). The "shutter speed" required for my photo to develop was around four minutes, even though it didn't come out too well. The part I messed up on, was the concealing my film from light part and that's ultimately why the figure didn't really show.

DR "Developed/Failed Film" Photo. 02/10/16

My camera uses the science concept of the "Electro-magnetic Spectrum," which says that, since the inside of the camera is painted black, it absorbs more sun and light energy. There was also some math terms used to represent the light rays using similar triangles! The height of my camera is 6.25 inches tall. The length of the circular top of my camera is 4 inches wide. From the pinhole to the bottom of my camera, it is 3.25 inches in height.

DR "Calculations" Google Drawings. 02/12/16

NBA 2k16, Profound

I am here to talk to you about NBA 2k16. In specific, the myPark game mode which is one of the most amazing and creative ideas I've ever seen in a game before. This game does a great job of fighting against the idea of basketball being boring and repetitive. Its fast-paced gameplay and awesome player creation makes you want to cry. I would REALLY suggest this game, especially to those into NBA basketball. 

"Rough Day At Sunset Beach," Pottsy Gaming. 02/05/16